Unbound Ministry

Looking for Freedom?

As children of a loving God, we were created to live in relationship with Him. Sin broke this relationship and separated us from God. Sin also opens the door for lies and bondage to enter our life, causing problems like fear, anxiety, hopelessness and shame.

The Good News is that Jesus brought salvation and liberation by dying for our sins and setting us free from this bondage. But even after accepting this gift of salvation, we don’t always fully experience freedom, we continue to feel anxious, afraid, guilty, or hopeless.

Unbound helps us respond to the good news of the gospel and apply truth to our lives using Five Keys: 1) Repentance and Faith 2) Forgiveness 3)Renunciation 4)Authority and 5) The Father's Blessing.

UNBOUND Ministry


We are delighted that you are seeking an Unbound session!

We want to help you take hold of the freedom given to you in Jesus Christ.

If you haven't already, we recommend reading Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance before scheduling your session.  Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read.  What is He revealing to you?  Does Unbound Ministry sound like the right fit for you?

It is also recommended that you are part of a church or a group of Christian friends who will support you as you seek deeper freedom in Christ.