Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most commonly asked questions, clearly and concisely.

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What is the effectiveness of the Creighton Model?

The FertilityCare system has been proven to be very effective in achieving a pregnancy for couples with normal fertility. Studies have shown that the method is:

  • 76% effective in helping couples achieve pregnancy in the first cycle

  • 98% effective in helping couples achieve pregnancy by the sixth cycle

What are the costs/fees?

The program depends on a couple learning the basis of the method and how to chart a woman's cycles.

As such, counselling sessions and charting materials are the only costs. These costs are reasonable and can be adjusted to address economic hardship.

For an exact estimate, don't hesitate to contact us directly!

Is there a Scientific basis to the method?

The Creighton model FertilityCare system has been medically researched, and the basis for the method and its effectiveness has been published in leading journals, including the Lancet, the British Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Reproductive Medicine.

What's the general timeline for the program?

After an initial 90-minute introductory session, six follow-up sessions are scheduled over the first year to help a couple grow in confidence with using the method and to review the insight uncovered from the charting.

Are the services covered by OHIP/insurance?

OHIP nor most third-party insurance providers do not yet cover instruction on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. If medical treatment through NaProTechnology is required as part of the program, most of the costs associated with working with a doctor trained in the system are covered by OHIP.