person holding hands with white clouds
person holding hands with white clouds

We treat a wide variety of issues in regards to reproductive health and are able to provide assessment and treatment plans for patients with the following conditions:

  • Infertility evaluation and treatment

  • Prematurity Prevention Program

  • Premenstrual syndrome

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Recurrent ovarian cysts

  • Repeated miscarriages

  • Dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain

  • Surgical treatment of endometriosis

  • Postpartum depression

  • Progesterone support in pregnancy

  • Perimenopausal/menopausal care

  • Polycystic ovarian disease

  • Reversal of tubal ligation

Our Services

What is in

the program?

  • A private introductory session on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System

  • Charting starter kit including charts, stamps, and user manual

  • 8 private follow-up sessions with a FertilityCare Practitioner to ensure accurate observations and charting

  • Referral to a NaProTECHNOLOGY Medical Consultant, if required

  • Additional sessions with your practitioner beyond the first year are provided as needed.